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 Greetings 🌸

Working out is something that we all want to do regularly but can't find the motivation. So today I'll be sharing the top 5 fun ways to workout. The workout plans that I'll be sharing will be motivating in itself. 

These are my top 5 fun, self-motivating, quick, and effective all at the same time. 


Everyone loves dancing even if it's alone in the room. Dancing as a workout doesn't need to be proper steps, let your body loose and enjoy it. You can either play random music or follow YouTube for it, I love both equally. Sabah Kadri has one of the best dance workout channels on YouTube. 


YouTube is a pool of free workout plans. So just pick one and start. I personally have done these over the lockdown. The reason why these are better than any regular workout videos is that these keep you hooked for a certain period and if done according to the plan can give amazing results. 

Chloe TingEmi WongPamela Reif, etc. are amazing choices, to begin with. Just pick one according to your own fitness level and embrace the burn.


The benefits of yoga and Pilates don't need to be mentioned. So I'll straight away get to the point, the best place, in my opinion, to get effective and enjoyable workouts is the YouTube channel - Boho Beautiful. The workouts are quick and fan


Experimenting with workouts means to do all types of workouts you come across and pick one. You can even keep switching from one type to another when you feel bored or do combinations of the above to keep it enjoyable. 

 I have tried and tested all of the above workouts and it definitely worked for me. Hope you enjoy these. 

NOTE: Please don't force yourself for any kind of workouts. SAFETY IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN A FLAT STOMACH. 



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