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  Greetings 🌴

A possible reason that you are here is that you recently faced a failure and after introspecting you've realized the need to put in more effort into your work. In that case, good job!

Everyone puts in efforts for things they want and need. Failure is a common and important part of our lives for character building. Efforts to achieve the goal should be fulfilling and should make us happy not miserable. 

So let us learn some basic yet forgotten methods towards the art of putting efforts with joy


This is going to sound very confusing but most of us function because of the fear of failure and not because of our passion. Most of us don't even reach the stage of starting because of this fear. 

A conscious effort towards that mindset will help us be calm in situations, favorable or unfavorable.


We like it or not, but giving voice to negativity gives it power. Talking about self-doubt and how difficult it is to achieve the goal too often makes the thought sit in our subconscious.

Our subconscious is way more powerful than we know. So please take care of what and how much you say.


This is a well-known method to improve efficiency. Take breaks, drink water, watch a good movie once in a while. A break can be used for leisure or analysis of the work you just did.


Good planning and following it well in a well-organized way will fetch amazing results. The main question is how. The answer is practice. You can always start with planning small things.


Like all the above points, this too is an important one, to surround yourself with positive, goal oriented and smart people, because believe it or not our company defines us. It is also very important to be a good friend. Give your friends ideas, support and be a positive person to be around. Make sure that the relationship is mutual and contributing each others development.

So these were few points that will help us enjoy doing any kind of work and achieve the goals. Hope this helps you. Let me know your thoughts about this in the comments.



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