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Selfcare tips for hustling women


Nowadays a lot of women work, not just that their families take pride in it. They proudly tell everyone that a particular female in their family is doing so well at her profession. But one thing that has managed to stay the same is that she is expected to do everything that she was doing before, duties of being a daughter, mother, wife, daughter-in-law, etc. 

This was not to remind you of her roles but her duties. She still has to cook, clean, wash without having time for herself. Her profession is an addition to her life, So now women have even lesser time to focus on their own health. They end up either losing too much weight or gaining it in most cases and that is accompanied by body shaming. So let us see how working women and mothers can take care of themselves with all their responsibilities.


This will work like magic and what's surprising is that it will also help you gain weight. You can read in detail about it in this article.


We've forgotten vegetables, whenever we think of starting a diet, we end up eating fruits and oats but vegetables are extremely important for growing women. It will fulfill all the deficiencies in the body. Please include lots and lots of vegetables in your meals. Not just yourself but also your family, all of you will be way healthier than right now. 


Please make sure you sleep, I understand you have a lot of work pressure, but you are doing enough in the day. If not every day, please make sure you sleep well on the weekends at least. 


Eating junk food for most working people is the norm, but that food isn't going to help you in any way. I know it's a lot to ask for, but try eating homemade food 6 days a week for a healthy lifestyle. Treat junk food as an occasional treat only. Vegetables will give your body the nutrition it needs.


Smiling will lift up your mood instantly. 

TRY THIS - Smile and hold for 30 seconds, you will see for yourself how light you feel. 


Do whatever you like here, wear facemasks with cucumber, or any home remedy your mother taught you will work. Just put it on and relax. Trust me this won't take much time. You don't even have to lie down for 30 minutes with this, if you're too busy you can always work with the face pack on. Facemasks really do relax the face muscles. Your face will be clean and have smiling skin. 

I request all women to follow these points regularly, you deserve these small breaks and the pampering. You're doing enough every day. 

Lots of Love  

For more articles please check out High On Endorphins



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