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Ways to calm anxiety

  Greetings 🌱

Anxiety is a common emotion we all go through regularly. Even kids, in today's world, have so much to worry about, be smart, excel at sports, be creative, and stand up to the never-ending expectations of the family. Man or woman, girl or boy, old or young, find themselves in a situation of excessive mental stress regularly. 

The LGBTQ community is very slowly getting normalized but is still not being accepted by a large group of people. Just imagine the plight of those, and the level of stress they go through. 

Considering today's situation, containing this problem at the very beginning will not only save a lot of time and energy, but also contribute to the country's economy, and most importantly, it will give the nation happy people, satisfied people, people free of chronic anxiety, depression, or any other major mental or emotional issues. 

And now let's jump into how we can calm ourselves in such situations


This is an obvious one, I've shared about this in another article. Endorphins are good friends, they'll definitely help you lift your mood up. 


It is an old concept but also one the most effective ones too, In today's time, you'll mostly find old people in these free of cost groups. I would suggest you really take a visit to one of these at least once, you'll not only make friends and lift up your mood for the rest of the days but will also inspire others to join in too. 


 Eating during moments of deep stress, anxiety and depression lead to impulsive eating, so preferably not eat, the maximum food that we consume today is full of addictive contents that make you feel good for a short period of time. 

Let's face it no one turns to healthy food during their period of stress and anxiety. So all the chips or cake that we consume during this time will make us gain weight like crazy and it will be unhealthy and very difficult to reverse back to normal.


This is the most difficult one but not impossible. When we listen to something nice and positive, we feel good and even motivated to become better at dealing with the situation. It is difficult to find a human to do that all the time, so this is where we turn to technology, you can always go to youtube and listen to a speech by a spiritual leader or listen to a mantra and chant with it. 

It is commendable that someone seeks medical help when they realize the severity of their mental condition but just imagine how wonderful it will be if we start paying more attention in the initial stage itself

Because let us face it, no one is born with a mental illness unless you consider the concept of karma and rebirth. But it is us, who contribute to the misery of those suffering.

So, let us promise and strive to be nice and show people around us that they are doing amazing at work or school or life itself.



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