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 Greetings 🌷

I am glad that you decided to work on your body,  I will be covering workouts for all body parts separately, but this one is specifically towards ab workouts. We will read two things - the workouts of course, and the essential points to be kept in mind while doing those exercises. I will also suggest some YouTube workout videos. 

Let us see the essential point to be kept in mind before we start with the exercises. 


This is the most important thing to be kept in mind. While working out, all you need to do is pull your stomach inside/ towards your abdomen so that it tightens and feels stronger. When ab exercises are performed this way, it targets the abs more effectively and gives more defined abs in a short while. Try this and you will see the results in few weeks. 


This means that most of us want results faster than usual, so we overdo the exercises. A sincere request - please don't overdo anything with your body. We won't realize it right now, but it is going to affect you a lot when you grow older, ask your parents if you don't believe it. So when you work out regularly, increase your reps or timings gradually instead of setting random goals for the day. 


I have written about this in previous articles many times. I cannot explain the importance of the right food in this article but here is a link to an article for a detailed explanation of this - EATING RIGHT

Now let us begin with the exercises. I'll make it convenient for you, I will put down two things

  • I'll share 5 exercises with you, which will be helpful in case you cannot find time to exercise so much, you may just perform 2 - 3 reps when you get the time. 
  • I'll list youtube videos too, just in case you have more time in hand. 
Pick whatever suits you. You get the results no matter what. So let's begin

Lie down on the floor or mat, hand behind the head, and legs off the ground. Now, bring one arm and fold the opposite leg towards your abdomen and repeat with the other arm and leg. Here is a video for better understanding - Bicycle crunches

Planks are popular, but doing plank variations is way more effective than just a regular plan. The video that I have put here has almost all possible plank variations.  Here is a video for better understanding - Plank

Sit on your mat or floor, put your legs forward, and your hands behind your butt on the floor, lift your legs and pull them in and push them out. But remember to engage your core. The video - In and outs

Get in the high plan position, make yourself stable and kick towards the opposite elbows. Maintain the balance. Video - Mountain climbers

Lie on your back, your back should touch the floor completely, your hands by the sides on the ground, pick your legs up, and aim for the ceiling or above your head, whichever one is comfortable lifting your butt off the floor. Video link - Reverse crunch

You can start with 10 of each exercise every day and increase gradually. It won't take much time and will give results. 

Now let me share with you some ab workout YouTube videos. 

These are tried and tested videos that give amazing results within one month and are enjoyable too. 
Hope you get the desired results and let me know your favorite exercises in the comments.



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