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 Greetings 🌻

Lockdown has been tough on many people, some got extremely busy with work from home, and others got way too much free time in their hands, especially students. And in this spare time, we binge-watch or overeat, and during this lockdown, lots and lots of people ended up gaining some weight. This can be a major reason for the deterioration in self-confidence and related issues, which will difficult to deal with once everything opens up. 

Confidence indeed has nothing to do with our weight, but it is also true that being FIT does contribute a great deal to our mental well-being which in turn helps boost our confidence and self-esteem. I find myself fortunate to have found the motivation to lose weight that I have been working on for many years. So here are some tried and tested ways to lose that extra weight. 


We've all done online research and analysis about nutrition, weight loss, and workouts. But what we don't do is an analysis of self. It took me a long time to understand which diet is actually working for me. I ended up with intermittent fasting. Here is an article to make intermittent fasting easier for you. I am sure you will be able to find one for yourself too. This way it will be easier to adapt to the diet that will benefit you in both ways - tongue, and waist. 


Selecting a diet isn't about losing the weight all at once and then eat whatever we want once we fit in those old jeans and be done with it. Big NO. Selecting a diet is about selecting a lifestyle that you follow for a long time or even for the rest of your life if you feel comfortable.


Our generation has almost forgotten about this one, we must do a body detox regularly. You'll be surprised to see how fast you lose weight if you make this a weekly thing. Detox is an excellent remedy to push out all the impurities stuck to our intestines for a very long time. 

I would very highly recommend you start fasting more often, Satvic Movement is an excellent platform to learn about detox and its benefits. 


Eating junk food has become a part of our culture. Getting late for work or college automatically gives a license to eat from outside, because of its quick access properties. It is more addictive than we are aware of. So since we are already addicted to eating all that junk food, it'll be a difficult task to stop consuming that all at once. This is when we start cutting portions, bit by bit. This is easier to achieve right now since we are still in our homes.


I understand working out can be a little time consuming and you can always do something productive for work or college at that time. There is enough material on the internet to support why you should work out but it's the motivation that we lack most of the time, don't you worry about that, here is an article for some quick and fun workouts. By exercising, you don't necessarily have to engage in heavy workouts, just dancing will definitely be beneficial too and an amazing stress reliever, of course. 

Hope this helps, and I would love to know how it goes for you.

Happy Living💗


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