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 Greetings 🌷

Menstrual cups, a new concept for a lot of us. Let us put in few minutes to understand this life-changing revelation you're about to witness. When I started using menstrual cups, I did a lot of research online on almost every platform possible. So my goal in this article will be to bring the most appropriate and must-watch/ read articles and videos for you in one place. 

Firstly, let us see what it looks like and what it does

It is a silicon cup with a stem at the bottom. The cup collects the blood and the stem makes it easy to be removed from the vagina. 

Now, let us read an article to understand why we should consider menstrual cups as a strong contender among other menstrual products.

NOTE: I know it is boring and annoying to switch articles but trust me, you will come back convinced, and yes, please come back here to complete the rest of the article. I promise you will go back with a lot of knowledge and confidence.  

Here is the link - A MENSTRUAL CUP REVIEW



Welcome back, let me share the process of sterilizing a menstrual cup before using it, every single time.

The first step is to assign a small pot and a whisk, keep it separately so that others don't use them. When your period arrives, squeeze the cup into the whisk and drop it in boiling water, and let it boil for 4 to 5 minutes. Remove the whisk from the pot and run some cold tap water on it to cool down and prevent burning the vulva. And you're ready to paint the town red. 

The cup should be sterilized twice - Once before using on the first day and after removing on the last day. 



Now let me share different types of folds to insert a cup into your vagina:


 In this method, you push one end towards the center and insert. This is a pretty convenient one as while inserting the size of the tip slowly increases as it goes up and then pops open inside. It doesn't come as a shock to the vaginal opening as the point of insertion is small. This method will serve the purpose effortlessly. 


In this one, you just pinch the cup from the top and fold it in half and, it will become 'C' or 'U' shaped and then you can go ahead and insert it in your vagina. 

3. 7-FOLD:

You again pinch the cup from the top and take one end and fold it on one side so that it looks like 7 from the side. 

There are too many folding methods out there, but all of them are just variations of the above-mentioned. They are the result of the creativity of people around the world. It is a wonderful thing if it works for them. But in my opinion, the three mentioned folds will be more than enough.

Here is a link to a YouTube video for your better understanding of the folding methods - METHODS OF FOLDING A MENSTRUAL CUP



Now let us see the different positions that ease the process of inserting menstrual cups. To be honest, it will take some time on the first day, I spent half an hour figuring out how to insert it. So be prepared for that, or you can try inserting it for the first time before your period itself. 

1. Squatting and, 
2. One leg on the ground and the other on the toilet seat. 

For visual understanding - POSITIONS TO INSERT



We remove the cup for two purposes -

1. When the period ends - Remove the cup, rinse it, and sterilize it as mentioned above.
2. To empty the cup, rinse and re-insert


  • Wash your hands properly
  • Sit on the toilet seat comfortably
  • Find the stem and pull a little part of the cup outside
  • When you can feel the bottom part of the cup pinch it so that forms a 'C' shaped fold for a narrow tip for easy removal 
  • Pull the cup out, empty it, and rinse it
  • Sterilize or re-insert 
You may check out this video for visual understanding - REMOVING A CUP


Now finally, let us see some extra tips

  • For better mental preparation you may choose to go through this article - Link. This covers all points in detail. 
  • If the stem irritates the skin around the vaginal opening, you can cut a little part of the stem as per convenience
  • Always store the cup in its bag 
  • Keep the whisk and boiling pot out of reach of other people, so that they don't use it accidentally for things you may regret later. 

So, This was all the important information a beginner should know before using a menstrual cup. I have tried my best to sum it up. If in case you have any doubts or you'd like me to add any points, please let me know in the comment section or telegram

Looking forward to hearing from you.




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